Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weeks 5 and 6: Niels starts exploring and even a smile

Up & down game with Papa
Watching toys intently
Delight in diaper changes
Snooze in baby carriers

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weeks 3 and 4 of adventures with baby Niels

Soft skin
First restaurant: Chase's Daily, slept soundly
First big hike
Glimpse of the ocean and lake
Gazing at faces

Grandma and Grandpa Remsburg greet Niels

Snoozing while snuggling
Gazing out window
Fewer night feedings
Diaper changes less scary
Rocking and vibrating feel good
Tight fists
Strong neck
Gaining ounces
Blue paint for baby's room
Hanging out at home and Camp Winnecook

Niels' second week out in the big world


First bath, no tears
First time in Baby Bjorn, lots of tears
Very short family walks
Frequent nursing, no cooking
Fantastic food from friends
Nursing at all hours in bed
Mysterious tears
Pacifier works magic
Slate blue eyes
Laying on Papa's chest calms a crier
No more umbilical cord
Hands less wrinkly
Diaper changes with lots of tears

Meeting our son: April 15, 2012


Sleepless night followed by a big surprise
Labor progressed much more quickly than anticipated, with no extra challenges
A soothing warm water bath ready just in the nick of time
(or almost --  water heater not fast enough; water heated on stovetop pans)
Sight of a stethoscope was a clue that another body would soon be checked
Beautiful baby boy, born at 9:39 a.m. on a warm sunny Sunday
Soft, dark hair
Sweet 8 lb, 8 oz bundle
Love at first sight
Strong sucking right away
Wrinkly fists to his mouth
Pink cross on right leg
Ears folded over
Hair colic on the neck
Eyes gradually opening more and more
Perfectly rosy and healthy
Name chosen next day: Niels Kenneth Olson